Monday, August 24, 2015

Who am I?

An Engineer and Marketeer by trade,
A father and a husband full time,
A writer and a painter at night.
A hiker of redwood trails and water creeks,
A piano player in a Jazz band during weekend nights,
A runner and swimmer when there is time for that.

Soaking every moment of this life, one hour at a time...

Sunday, June 21, 2015

The huntress of the prairie

She's the hunter of the prairie.Fast as a gazelle,lethal as a cobra bite,with fierce eyes and a graceful stance.


Friday, March 27, 2015

Muchacho Man

Life is like a wrestling match. One needs to roll with the punches one day at a time.

  To this date, Muchacho continues training and wrestling for as long as his body is able to keep up...


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Martin's World on Exhibition

During the months of February and March, a portion of Martin's World drawings will be on display at the Art Extra Vaganza Gallery in Sunnyvale, CA( which is such an Awesome place!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Back to Basics

Simplicity can be a powerful tool. A black background is an excellent medium to accentuate color and form.

Con mis manos - Hands are such an under rated instrument as tools to bring out all the things that reside in our head.

Red car - Perhaps one day I will get around to drive a car like this.

Rick's cafe - My idea of a Hawaiian Bar by the beach.

Rain or shine - An ordinary day in somebody's life...

Missing you - Thinking about my man - Echandote de menos

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Memories of Ivory and Olive colors

There are very few memories of her that I've got;
always alone with her eyes lost staring into the distance.
She was made of Ivory and Olive colors,  
as the moonlight shone.
When she came out to the balcony, time stood still and the wind stopped.

Ya me quedan pocas memorias suyas,
siempre sola y con su mirada perdida en la distancia.
Ella estaba hecha de color marfil y verde oliva,
 su piel era un receptaculo perfecto para brillo de luna llena.
En cuanto salio al balcon, 
 el viento dejo de soplar y el tiempo se olvido de contar.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Sunnyvale, 'Un valle con Sol'

In these land of redwoods and orchard tress known as 'El valle del sol', everyone has an accent or came from somewhere else.
    En esta tierra de Secollas y arboles de huerta conocida como Sunnyvale, todo el mundo tiene un acento y vino de alguna otra parte.
During the day, Coffee places are sources for inspiration and social gatherings
     Durante el dia, las Cafeterias son fuentes para la inspiracion y vida social

and Jazz is the music of choice supporting ideas and conversation.
   mientras la musica de Jazz sustenta ideas y conversaciones.

There is a sense of harmony and happiness that feeds on caffeine and Jazz.
     Existe un sentido de armonia y felicidad que se alimenta de cafeina y Jazz.

The evening of Halloween, kids are cute and high on candy but you better think twice about opening your door late at night.

En la tarde de Halloween, los chicos son monos y muy subidos de azucar,  pero debes tener mucho cuidado si te llaman a la puerta por la noche.

El valle del sol may lack the charm and awkwardness of life in the city
 Al valle del sol le suele faltar el carisma y extraneces de la vida en la ciudad

Days are extremely busy and full of life
   but it can get cold and lonely as soon as it gets dark.
Los dias son muy cargados y llenos de vida,
  pero al anochecer se vuelven frios y desolados.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Love, Body and Soul

The Dame at the coffee shop,
is the finest creature of them all.

The dame at the coffee shop,
Owns my body and my soul.

The Dame at the coffee shop,
Is someone to die for.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Down in the deep

Went scuba diving looking to relax,
   down in the deep, all seemed quiet and calm.
Found a sunken boat hiding in the dark;
  went deeper to explore it, wondering what secrets it may have?
As I got closer, a cold chill run through my spine;
 it wasn't hypothermia but two big eyes staring back at me.
The boat had a new owner;
and visitors were not welcomed.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Melvin Blue and his Band

  Blue note man plays in a band,
   Bass, drums and sometimes guitar;
    not many people get to hear him,
  but he is always having a blast.

Melvin lives in THE city and works the nights as a bass player in a Jazz band. His band is called 'Cuatro Gatos'; they are a quartet with a taste for 'Bluesy' melodies...Their live performances are great but the band is not well known beyond the Jazz district. There are not that many Jazz lovers these days...

 The best part of their music is the solo exchanges. The drummer keeps a good pulse for the band, Melvin is a creative force, the guitarist is like a surgeon with the chords and the pianist likes to keep it simple but has a great feeling for the music. The pianist name is Manny and he has recently joined the band. Manny loves Jazz but he is not getting much time to practice due to a day time job that pays him considerably better than the Jazz gigs. Manny doesn't live in the city so he puts a lot of time commuting back and forth. One needs to live in the city in order to play good Jazz.

It is hard to get by as a musician,
       but playing is so much fun;
 performing live can get so exciting
       but setting up is a pain in the back.

Do you like Jazz music?

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Black and White dreams

They say your dreams are only in black and white.... 

but I would swear to you, I think mine are in color...

One dream I remember we spent the night creating a Super robot to walk around the city at night; unfortunately the alarm clock woke me up before we got to test our Super robot... if dreams were in black and white... then how would I remember it had a red metallic kind of color?

Dreams could be inspired in movies; one night I watched Casablanca while vacationing in Hawaii. I think that night I dreamed I was in a Hawaiian version of Rick's cafe.. what happens if you drink too much in a dream?

At the beginning of the dream, I think I connected real well with the waitress; but then things got kind of ugly when her boyfriend showed up...

Dreams can be exotic, enticing, exciting or pretty lonely.

There must be a reason why we might not remember many of the dreams one has...

Monday, January 23, 2012

Martin the Sailor

Martin always had a strong connection to the sea. In his youth, Martin was a formidable swimmer who spent hours and hours swimming up and down the coast in the company of fish, seagulls and other aquatic life forms.

 In his twenties, Martin got tired of swimming and opted for a more effective way to cover longer distances at sea... For the following years, Martin took to the sea on any vessel that would take him to any location reachable by water. The longer the trip and the rougher the sea conditions, the more appealing the invitation to embark into unknown voyages and destinations...

Martin sailed around the world in all sorts of trips and adventures; oh! the joys and wonders of life in the sea!!

 On year two Martin ended up in the Navy as he continued moving from port to port joining different crews and boats... Life in the Navy was clockwork operated making his time on duty go by extremely fast as he sailed from one place to another.

One time, a severe storm got Martin stranded in a small rowing boat with two other mates. The crew in the Destroyer, failed to notice that 3 sailors in a rowing boat went missing so Martin & Mates had no option but to row non-stop for 3 days until they reached land...

Such exhausting events plus the monotony of his tasks and duties at sea, made Martin re-consider options and opt out of the Navy in pursuit of new life experiences on dry land. This is the last known picture of Martin before he left the Navy...

 Has anyone seen Martin recently?